Laboratory furniture
Laboratoorium on töökoht paljude erinevate nõuetega. Nõuded, mis on püstitatud laborimööblile on igas töövaldkonnas erinevad. Seetõttu peab laborimööbel vastama kasutaja püstitatud nõuetele. See tähendab, et peab arvestama ergonoomika, töökorralduse, disaini, vastupidavuse ja ruumi enda iseärasusega.
Laborimööbli standardid:
EVS-EN 14056:2003 Laboratory furniture – Recommendation for design and installation
EVS-EN 13150:2002 Workbenches for laboratories. Dimensions, safety requirements and test methods
EVS-EN 13792:2002 Color coding of taps and valves for use in laboratories
EVS-EN ISO12543-1:2011 Glass in building – Laminated glass and laminated safety glass. Part 1: Definitions and description of component parts
Tulekindlate hoiukappide standardid:
EVS-EN 14470-1:2004 Fire safety storage cabinets: Part 1 – Safety storage cabinets and flammable liquids
EVS-EN 14470-2:2006 Fire safety storage cabinets: Part 2: Safety cabinets for pressurised gas cylinders